Monday, March 17, 2008

HOORAY! I Passed My Japanese Test!

Unbelievably I passed my Japanese my test on Saturday. I just checked my grades 2 minutes ago and got an 87% I needed a 80% to pass. I'm so excited. I was thinking of quitting if I was forced to take the last class again.

I have said it before but this time I WILL dedicate more time to study. I really love learning Japanese, it keeps my mind sharp, and will pay off if I move there one day.

With my dedication to Japanese reminding of some flaky clients and people flaking on their fitness goals. You can dedicate 75% and still make progress. Just as I didn't study 100% and passed, you don't need to put in 100% effort to make progress. When you give 0% effort is when you fail.

If you are like me and are very busy don't stop your exercise 100%, Keep exercising a little bit, maintain, and when you are ready to kick into high gear, go ahead and do it.

Life is a marathon not a sprint.

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