Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Finally Did Cardio Tonight FREE MOVIE TICKETS

I did cardio for 30 minutes on level 15-17 on the stationary bike tonight. I would have used another cardio machine, but at 24 hour fitness where I usually workout there were none available. I ended up burning over 400 calories which is averaging over 12 calories per minute.

I went to Safeway and found lean cuisines were on sale. I like them because they taste great, most have a good proportion of carbs to protein and low fat, and they have no preservatives. The best part tonight, was Safeway is having a promotion where if you buy 10 of certain things (Lean Cuisines included) you get 2 free movie tickets.

The last movie I wanted to see was Rambo. Cloverfield was the last movie I saw and it was AMAZING I may add. I like action movies, all other movies I really despise. I don't goto the movie theater for a heavy dose of reality. I think people who do either need or are getting psychiatric help.

I am trying to go to sleep earlier these days and wake up earlier, today I set my alarm for 8am and hit the snooze and didn't get productive until 10:30 AM I bought coffee today so I will make it first thing in the morning.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Ball is Rolling....

I started my big website project just about 5 minutes ago. I hired a computer programmer / website designer. The designer was a competitive price so I chose to go with them. I will review the website in about a month when my project is done. They happen to be in Pakistan which is why they offer such a competitive.

Today is also the first day in which I will shoot videos with my new canon HG10 High Definition Camcorder.

I will be back later to finish this post


I went to the gym and only had time to do my weight routine, where I did 3 sets of pull ups, 3 sets of bench press 3 sets of biceps and triceps exercise. I then rushed home and got ready for videos today in full 1080I 15mbps HD and I know it is overkill but it was definitely a learning experience.

I found on video, it is virtually impossible for me to be myself. I guess I'm a natural born actor. I haven't put the videos on my computer yet, I'm afraid of the huge amount of memory they are going to take up. They will also cause me to install a bunch of new programs on my already cluttered hard drive. Tonight I have made it a priority to go to bed at midnight so I can set my alarm for 8am.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another Brutal Japanese Class! OH My God

Throughout my 18+ years of school, I have always been a slacker when it comes to studying and I have always succeeded. This Japanese class I'm in, is going to change me. Today I was dazed and confused from lack of study. I love studying Japanese and hopefully will live in Tokyo some day.

Today I decided that I want to move to Japan next summer! In order to move there, I require of myself, a better understanding of their language. The other thing I need is an income online. I don't think I will be able to get any job in Japan other than an English teacher. It is very hard in Japan to get a job, unless you work for a company and are sent there, or are a CEO of a large company.

From my time in Japan, I noticed that 1/2 of the foreigners there are total losers and the other 1/2 are investment bankers. If I move there as planned, I will be the oldest English teacher over there probably but it will be worth it because I believe the quality of life there is much better than here. Shit, I'll move there strictly for the vending machines, I'd probably go broke from the vending machines as well.

If you have never been to Tokyo, there are vending machines on every street and alley with hot and cold beverages which are yummy. They are only around 100-150 yen or around $1-1.50. I miss them so, I wonder why there is none in the United States?

Today is the big day. In a short while I will choose my Domain Name! I figured out what I want the domain to be, and it will be the site which Forwards To.

Friday, February 22, 2008

This is America People! The attitude that Everybody Should have is...

That you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. It is a free country and if you have the motivation to do something, there is no reason you shouldn't try your best to accomplish it whether it something you may think is difficult or something easy.

Just the sheer magnitude of the internet makes it fun to create information products aka websites and see if you can tap into even a small fraction of the estimated 600,000,000 internet users around the world.

I'm currently working on the plan for my site. I am using this program called Site Build it to build the website. It is the best program for creating websites because it gives you very specific guidance and motivation. I searched online for hours trying to find 1 single negative review of SBI or Site Build it, and Couldn't find any negative reviews.

It guides you step by step and tells you the dos and don'ts as well as hosts your site, chooses your domain name and offers top notch customer support. Well I have to get back to my website. is their website.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

almost 2 months of blogging so far...

I am kind of amazed that I've kept up blogging since the beginning of this year. I've made an effort to blog twice a day. One here and the other on wordpress. Even though there is no method to my madness it is pretty fun for me.

I know if a psychotherapist read my blogs he or she would recommend me take some anti ADD drug. I think this would actually help. I may be able to write some good material. When I focus I am actually a pretty good author. I have 9 articles so far on I also have an article which I will have published next month on a website. I will post that link once it gets published.


Since I've been sitting around so much lately working online, I haven't exercised as much, but I've exercised to a higher intensity which is cool, I'm not burned out from doing cardio every single day. Today I did 10 minutes on the stairmill and another 10 on an elliptical and I was out of the gym.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Losing momentum on personal training websites

I have been wrapped up in my big multi-billion dollar idea and have stopped planning my new fitness website and stopped studying my Japanese.

It is so exciting and would be so much fun to be part of a new exciting business venture which would revolutionize the internet world. The only problem I have is I'm the man with the plan, and that's it. If another company had the same idea as me, they could start and put patents and copyrights on the software.

I have no know how in the world of business and I need to find a person who has the capital and likes my idea and is fair. My best method is to keep my mouth shut until I find a way to either create something which is protected by a copyright or trademark law.

Today I trained 2 clients boxing which has been fun lately. I usually only train people in boxing if they are not doing their cardio outside of the training sessions. I didn't do cardio again, but lifted a little weights. I'm getting fat and need to start doing cardio if I continue to eat like a horse.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ventura capital website idea

Finally get a chance to blog some more. What will I blog about? Today I had a busy day where I met an old client who is about to be a father of 2 for brunch. We went to Pork Store Cafe where I guzzled 3 cups of coffee and ate a giant order of pancakes with fruit on top.

We talked about random stuff and our current web projects. His project which he has been working on for years is a really awesome polished product, which he says "will rule the world!" My ideas for expensive ventures he thought were cool but have hurdles to deal with.

I have the domains I would like to work with but my ideas require a lot of manpower, or should I say Geek Power. I still think they would be successful if they are developed to my specifications. The advantage I have when coming up with ideas is I think like an 8th grader still.

I think this is a good quality to have because if the 8th grader in me likes the idea, I'm sure the 29 year older will like it too, maybe I have a multiple personality issue here? I have been in contact to a computer guy from Stanford who has been very helpful. He has kept it real, and is interested in my idea, but told me how complicated it would be to get everything up and running.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

personal trainer San Francisco

Today I started the day off waking up at 8am after around 6 hours of sleep to go to Japanese class. I did surprisingly well for not really studying. Again I found the class fun and enjoyable but need to have a better studying routine during the week. I have my kanji list out in front of me at this moment but it does me no good If I'm just sitting here typing.

I took a cab to class at 8:40 and got to class early. I walked home at 12 or so which took about 30 or so minutes. I immediately went online and looked on ebay at some domains which I have been eying. Fortunately I won the domain I really wanted and the second domain I lost, but the winning bidder backed out, and I got a second chance offer. I don't know if I want to accept.

I had only 3 personal training sessions today but they went smoothly. One client brought Gatorade's new product G2 and it tasted pretty good. It was pretty much the same as regular Gatorade but they replaced some of the sugar with splenda.

I have a splitting headache right now, I don't know why, but I think I will take a power nap.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

personal training san francisco

yes, the title is the same, I guess that it helps my search engine rank go up. We will see, personally I hate to do it, but if it works what can you do?

Today was a day where I actually did cardio for the 1st time in a while. I think my little left toe is healing properly. I don't know if I mentioned but I kicked the door and thought I broke it. The first day I was limping pretty bad, but today I'm walking fine but can't put any serious pressure on it.

I'm working hard editing my keywords from site build it. I pretty much have the exact picture of my site in my head, now comes the very time consuming part of doing the videos with my Canon HG10 and all the pictures of all the exercises with clients.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Personal training in San Francisco

I'm back after a hectic day. Pretty hectic for not doing much. I went to Japanese class and got worked because I haven't studied in a week or so. I've been too wrapped up in working online to do really anything much lately. I need to study my Japanese more often. I really enjoy it and it is challenging. I really like to speak it, even though my vocabulary is below a Japanese 1st grader level. They did some direct translation today which was super confusing and worthless. I could go on and on about how difficult it is, especially since kanji was introduced.

I didn't workout today although yesterday I had a short & sweet intense weight training session at the studio. I did walk home from Japanese class which took about 30 minutes. Tomorrow is a busy chore day and happens to be Valentine's Day as well. I have laundry piled up like crazy which I need to do, and some house cleaning.

I was talking about a paid article which I wrote and submitted. The editor enjoyed it and asked if I would like to write another. I would definitely like to write another. It is a good mental exercise writing an article which is specifically for educating and entertaining people. The grammar and structure is what I find most difficult. I have published a few articles online and it seem like other people read them. Ezine articles has a bunch here

I also posted an article on EHOW, which is a site I just found out about. I like the site, very little Spam and it seems like the community is more mature.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Personal Trainer San Francisco is About to get Busy

It's Sunday night around 12 midnight. I have been in front of the computer for hours this last month and my web design has taken a slow positive turn. When I first started working on websites again in the middle of January, I started trying to rush out pages as fast as possible. I was so anxious to get a new website out I really just threw out pages.

What I now realize is that throwing out pages is definitely the wrong thing to do. When I would make a page and put it on my website, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the navigation and page names and keywords. Now that I started site sell, I realize that all the things you do before the page is made, is what really makes a website successful.

The web is all about FREE traffic. You can easily pay google or yahoo or msn for traffic, but it could make you go broke very fast. The funny thing that happened is I made an abs site, because I was always looking at them online. I make as a fun side-project, but it turns out that the keyword 6pack has not been used at all for abs. My site has ranked high on google, and I've got some free traffic which is cool.


I may have forgot to mention but yesterday I stubbed my little toe on the bathroom door. I didn't realize it at the time, but I really broke it I think. I tried to run to the gym, but could barely put any weight on it. I limped my way to the gym and did a pretty decent high rep weight workout.

I set the bar as high as it would go on the squat rack, and did sets of 10-15 pullups immediately followed by supine row/pull ups. This way I didn't have to jump or land. I then super-setted both those with sets of 50 pushups. I finished off with some preacher curls and triceps kickbacks, limped back home, picked up a half gallon of milk, and here I am.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Another Site Building Marathon.

I have spent all but 3 hours today from 9am working online! I stubbed my toe really bad on my bathroom door. My sock is bloody from my smashed little toe. It put me in a bad mood and I didn't make it to the gym. I didn't feel like walking and I didn't want to get my bicycle stolen in the ghetto 24 hour gym parking lot either.

I started my site build it site. I think I screwed up and didn't find enough high traffic keywords yet. I did get many great ideas for I have been having fun today putting ads up for my abs site, At first it was pretty cheesy, but it started getting some decent google free traffic and I edited it a bit.

I only trained a couple clients today. One has a knee problem that is puzzling me. I forget what it was called. It motivates me to get the NASM CES certification, which is corrective exercise specialist. I am planning on getting that certification for my next continuing education. I think I will go to sleep tonight and get myself on a normal schedule.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Finally Found a Spare Second to BLOG

I have been immersed in the crazy world of SBI which is a web host which shows you how to build a successful website. This is not the way I have ever went at anything, perhaps it is why I have failed. FitSF is a great site, but if I wanted to make it a national website, I have already failed with the domain name. SBI has you choose the domain name on day 6.

This program is very in depth and focuses on preparation. It actually gives you 10 days to learn and prepare before you start your site. This is to make sure you choose a site which will be competitive with the search engines.

It is a good way to approach many things I guess. To learn a lot about it and prepare intensely until you know exactly what you are doing. I hardly ever do this, and it is painful to me to try to figure stuff out. I'm actually listening to one of their tutorial videos right now.

My website will be devoted to women and their problem areas. To my surprise there is not much competition with specific body parts like waist, thighs, legs and arms.


Today I sprinted to the gym and lifted weights for about 20 minutes. I did dumbbell shoulder press, some biceps concentration curls and then sprinted home, quick and painful, speaking of painful, I woofed down a giant sandwich before I had to goto the gym to train clients. Alka Selzer helped my intense stomach pain. Word of advice, don't cram a giant sandwitch down your gullet in 2 minutes!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Yet another Personal Training Website!

Just when I thought I had enough, I got another personal training website tonight. I got it through this program called site build it. They are actually a web host who specialize in making websites for beginners but not only making sites, promoting them as well. I still haven't started :( but my vision of how I want the site to look is pretty clear. I just have to put in the time, which will be significant.

I searched all over the internet and youtube and could not find 1 single negative comment about site build it, so I figured I have to give it a try. I haven't figured out what my domain will be, but I will choose a theme which I do not currently have a website about. I was thinking big arms, but I want women and men to both be interested in my content.

I got a message back from the website which I may write some articles for. I don't know if the editor read the article but I'm sure he will edit some of it. I stand by my work and think it is a great article. I've never been as focused on anything before as this web business. The second I heard about how you can monetize ANY website, I was hooked and I've spent every waining moment for the last month thinking about, and working online to establish a web presence and eventually get total control over my time.


Today I sprinted pretty hard to the gym and got right on the upright stationary bike and pedaled on level 15 until I burned 300 Calories, it took 24 minutes while I was reading my Kanji manga book and listening to the prodigy on my ipod. I then sprinted home and went to train my clients.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Love To Answer Questions!!!

Some how I stumbled upon yahoo answers. It is a part of yahoo which they don't publicize that much. It is basically a bunch of people asking questions, I don't know where these people are, but they ask tons of questions. These questions are posted so anybody with a yahoo 360 profile can answer them. This means sometimes kids or people that don't know anything are answering the questions about health and fitness.

I look at it as a good way to not only help people but practice informational writing. The best part about yahoo answers is it is a game. When someone posts a question and the answers are posted, someone chooses the best answer and you get points for it. Luckily you are only allotted a certain amount of points per day. If there was no limit, I would probably get in the zone and answer questions for hours in a row. I can put a link to my site on there too so if people need more help they can just go there!


I had an abbreviated weight training workout today. I was on the phone with ATT advertising for almost an hour today and it left only 30 minutes to get to the gym and back. I sprinted off and on to the gym and got there and even though I bench pressed heavy on Sunday, I decided to again! I tried 295 and couldn't get it up even though 275 was easy. It brings me to advice I would give somebody, take a week off of lifting that body part if you want to lift for a max.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Writing not Only Takes All the Energy out of Me but...

makes me angry as well. I just finished a 1000 word article for a website that will hopefully allow me to write future articles. I took literally 5 hours to write the article. It is annoying to me that it takes so many edits and changing ideas to write a small article.

To me it is all about good writing though. If I wrote a trash article I would totally not be proud of it and wouldn't want people to read it. I have to head to the gym to train clients in 2 hours and I am about to head to the gym. I still have 1000 things I want to do, but I will definitely make time for my cardio session.

I put some links up on just in case anybody types that URL and goes there. I have the site ready to start really but I have been wrapped up in writing and submitting articles.

I ordered a Canon HG10 HD HDD camcorder last night and will be stressed about taking exercise videos in the coming months. Youtube is definitely the way to go to get exposure and I'm confident in my ability to project myself as a fun, knowledgeable, trustable personal trainer.

I just got off the phone with my old manager Chris Bettencourt who is a trainer in Palo Alto at Vivre which is a private gym in Palo Alto. We talked about possibly helping each other doing some workout videos. He is an intense dude, and a great trainer.


Today I will not lift weights. Yesterday I took it easy on the cardio machine becasue I was watching the 1st quarter of the superbowl. Today I plan to have a ton of energy and blast over to the gym and do some stairmaster or stepmill to get me super sweaty and out of breath and begging for mercy.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


I woke up early and worked on my website and then went to the gym and started watching the superbowl while on the cardio bike. I had a pretty good lifting session before I did my cardio too. I saw a friend at the gym and went to safeway where I bought 70 bucks worth of groceries. She was going to give me a ride home so I could stock up on stuff. I spent 70 dollars and right now I can honestly say I have no idea what I bought. Don't you hate when that happens?

I came home and watched what was one of the best football games I have seen in many years. The circumstances really made it great. I always root for the underdogs and this game I feel the Giants were the ultimate underdogs. My heart was racing and I saw maybe the best play of all time. With less than a minute left, Eli Manning was sacked... no wait, he wasn't he amazingly got out of a gauntlet and threw up a prayer. The prayer was answered by an absolutely amazing freak catch by an unknown receiver Tyree.

After I'm done watching this NFL love fest on the post game show I will start getting down to business. I have to finish the article I am hopefully getting paid for an online website. I am also looking to start working on my new website I am hoping I can also study a little Kanji tonight for my Japanese class.

I put some of other people's articles on my website today and I found it difficult to find worthy articles. The free fitness articles that I post are 10x better than most I've read. I don't know if I'm just good at writing about this stuff or other people just put out very average uninspired waste of cyberspace articles.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

How Many things Can YOU do at Once?

I'm getting sick of dealing with my problem. I know it affects many people but I'm wondering if I truly suffer from a mental disorder. It may sound bad, but it really is not that bad. I've been told I have ADD by many people. I sometimes have no ability to focus.

So I had a very light day today, basically from 3pm til now, I've accomplished absolutely nothing. I didn't work out, I didn't finish any web pages, and I didn't study my Japanese. I'm just kind of aimlessly updating 3 websites and 2 blogs at the same time. All this while I'm bidding on an ebay auction, checking the results on UFC events, reading about yet another mall shooting, albeit this one was apparently a robbery attempt. I'm also thinking of acting on my major plan which is a secret!

I did talk to an old client of mine, now a father of a growing boy and a second kid in 3 weeks, congratulations BIG D. He is an expert computer programmer and we're planning on having lunch sometime next week to talk about venture capital and the software requirements and more stuff.

Last night I did publish all my temporary sites with links back to my up and running sites. which is my main site and HUGE project that I haven't started I am having trouble even starting. which was the domain I was going to use before I reached deep in my poor pockets and shelled out the cash to get askthetrainer. I also have & I haven't decided yet whether I will keep these domains, try to sell them, or just let them run out.

I didn't get a chance to workout today, I should say, I didn't workout today, which lately has become a recurring theme. I did walk from my Japanese class back home which took about 30 minutes, but I wouldn't call that cardio. I plan to go to bed earlier than usual tonight so I can get to the gym refreshed first thing in the morning tomorrow.

I did a great fitness tip of the day yesterday which I really want to leave on my site for a couple days. I definitely think I need many more images and videos on my sites to make them more user friendly. That is why I'm about to spring for a Canon HG10 HD HDD camcorder. I thought I bought one earlier in the week, but the company was selling a Chinese knock off and were out of stock. I got beat out on a bid on ebay earlier today for the same camera. Out of all the reviews I have read, it is my only choice. I think I will work on my San Francisco Personal Training website right now for a bit, or maybe take a nap before I start writing my article for an online website.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Any Venture Capitalists Read Personal Trainer Blogs ?

Nihongo kurasu wa ashita desu. Gozen Kuji kara go go juniji made desu. I just said, "Japanese class is tomorrow. It starts at 9am and ends at 12pm."

I should be studying for my quiz I have to take in the morning but I'm on hold again with my hosting. My hosting is I think they have tremendous 24/7 customer service and a good price. What I found out, is there bunch of sites which are all sister sites, another which I bought a domain on is

I bought the 3rd domain for my great idea which I hope I can parlay into a huge life changing business venture. What is holding me back? Well, all I am is a personal trainer with 3 domains, an idea, and a vision. I don't know where that leaves me, but I will try my best to figure out a way capitalize on it.

I have told only 1 person about my idea (not fitness related) and he is a Berkeley grad software designer or computer programmer, is there a difference? He thinks it is a good idea. I have emailed a couple venture capitalists and asked them where I stand. They contacted me back, but I will wait until Monday to call them. I should probably research a little more and do a business plan before I contact anybody. This is a problem because I am to a business plan what YOU are to the quadratus lumborum pelvic floor muscles.
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