Wednesday, February 20, 2008

almost 2 months of blogging so far...

I am kind of amazed that I've kept up blogging since the beginning of this year. I've made an effort to blog twice a day. One here and the other on wordpress. Even though there is no method to my madness it is pretty fun for me.

I know if a psychotherapist read my blogs he or she would recommend me take some anti ADD drug. I think this would actually help. I may be able to write some good material. When I focus I am actually a pretty good author. I have 9 articles so far on I also have an article which I will have published next month on a website. I will post that link once it gets published.


Since I've been sitting around so much lately working online, I haven't exercised as much, but I've exercised to a higher intensity which is cool, I'm not burned out from doing cardio every single day. Today I did 10 minutes on the stairmill and another 10 on an elliptical and I was out of the gym.

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